Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Firstly a thank you to my sister for inviting me to "Amazing Thai Cultural Evening" held at Dewan Sri Pinang, Georgetown, Penang.

The birth of the civilization and culture of the Thai people is depicted in dances from the different regions example north and central.

The Penang Thai Consulate General giving her speech.

A photo of the dancers depicting a scene from one of the dynasty.

Group photo - Thai High Commissioner, Consulate General, dancers, musicians, staffs & crews.

Below are some video clips or links of the dancers depicting the various scenes.

And here is the link to the video depicting Lord Narayanan coming down to earth and the work & dedication of the King of Thailand for his people. Click here

And here is another link to another video. Click here.

(An event organised by Royal Thai Embassy Kuala Lumpur; Royal Thai Consulate General Penang; Thai Foundation in corporation with Penang State Tourism Development and Culture)

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