Thursday, August 22, 2013


Sometime last year, a 'qianxian' from Taiwan was in Malaysia explaining the benefits and advantages of reading and memorising the Scriptures/Sutras.  We were fortunate that she dropped by at Tian Wei to share with us.

The benefits and advantages are - (1) absorbing the so called 'good vibrations' and good values; (2) increasing one's wisdom; (3) the scriptures/sutras shall be our teacher; (4) memory improvement and ...

On 28 July 2013 at Tian Wei Temple, participants were tested, as can be seen from the photos appearing here, and they consisted of children, youth and adult.  As mentioned above, the benefits of 'dujing' are numerous for example those from very young age are encouraged because their brain at that age is just like a sponge which absorb anything be it positive or negative.  If given a choice wouldn't we choose the positive?        

The participants were tested by different methods - to read from memory, fill in the blanks and arranging the verses in sequence.  This is in preparation for the National Level Reading Of Scriptures ('Du jing') Assembly at Kuala Lumpur in September.