Wednesday, November 27, 2013

'Ren Cai' and 'Mor Fan' Class Group Photo 2013

The classes have ended.  A new phase begins for the participants.

['Ren cai' class (above) and 'Mor fan' class (below)]


Monday, October 21, 2013


Another choice is available for vegetarians as "Lovecipes Vintage Cafe" opened its doors about 2 months ago in Penang, heard the proprietor mentioned that it's just a soft opening.  The cafe is located at No. 42 Rangoon Road, 10400 Penang.  

I understand from the staff, the menu has some nonya items in it.  For example in one of the item - rice with curry - they use "krisek" (I remember that because my mom used to cook this type of curry).  Do ask what is the special for the day, which is not found in the menu.

Spicy crispy roti

Ba Wang Soup with vermicelli

Ginger Teh Tarik

Why the name "Vintage Cafe"?  Well see the photos below.

 The cafe are decorated with ancient and antique bags, doors, plates, photos, bicycle wheel etc. and also Chinese oldies are played in the outlet.

During my next visit I will try the rice with curry (cooked with "krisek").

The cafe is opened from Tuesday to Sunday and the operating hours are 11am to 10pm.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Sometime last year, a 'qianxian' from Taiwan was in Malaysia explaining the benefits and advantages of reading and memorising the Scriptures/Sutras.  We were fortunate that she dropped by at Tian Wei to share with us.

The benefits and advantages are - (1) absorbing the so called 'good vibrations' and good values; (2) increasing one's wisdom; (3) the scriptures/sutras shall be our teacher; (4) memory improvement and ...

On 28 July 2013 at Tian Wei Temple, participants were tested, as can be seen from the photos appearing here, and they consisted of children, youth and adult.  As mentioned above, the benefits of 'dujing' are numerous for example those from very young age are encouraged because their brain at that age is just like a sponge which absorb anything be it positive or negative.  If given a choice wouldn't we choose the positive?        

The participants were tested by different methods - to read from memory, fill in the blanks and arranging the verses in sequence.  This is in preparation for the National Level Reading Of Scriptures ('Du jing') Assembly at Kuala Lumpur in September.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

VEGETARIAN FOOD 5 (Goloka Vegetarian Food, Jalan Thean Teik (Farlim))

A new vegetarian food stall was introduced to me by a temple friend.  It is located at Jalan Thean Teik, (Farlim) near the Sunshine Farlim Hypermarket, within Restoran Satu Sembilan Sembilan Lapan.  The name of the stall is "Goloka" (which means the eternal abode of Lord Krishna) and the serve Indian food like chappati, thosai, mee goreng, roti canai, burger, nasi lemak etc.  and there operating time is after 5.30 pm until 11 or 11.30 pm.  Their rest day is on every alternate Tuesdays.

Nasi lemak wrapped with banana leaf.

I had chappati which is served with 2 dishes and nasi lemak but sorry no photo of the chappati (sudah habis when the thought of taking photo).

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Sentient beings are swimming in samsara but there are Dharma Ferries sailing in all directions, saving those sentient beings with affinity.  A Dharma Ferry set sail today.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Random act of kindness

I would like to share this article from "The Star".

Sunday April 7, 2013

Go on, give someone a break

Sunday Starters by SOO EWE JIN

It is not about big money. It is principally about being sensitive to the needs of the people around us.
WE all agree that everyone needs a break once in a while. Well, maybe not the politicians who are pulling out all the stops now that the 13th general election is off and running.
A couple of years back, a dear friend felt that my wife and I needed a break. So she quietly arranged for us a three-day two-night stay at a resort in Pulau Langkawi.
She sent us the voucher and made us promise to go. It was her gift of “rest and relaxation” to one of her “favourite couples”, as she put it in her card. We had such a lovely time there.
I came across a recent article by Ann Carrns in the New York Times titled “A Random Gift of Coffee Makes My Day”, in which she wrote about how a stranger’s random act of kindness in paying for her coffee made her irrationally happy.
Her article had a link to the Random Acts of Kindness website and when I clicked on it, the “Idea for the Day” was about “giving someone a vacation”.
The basic premise is that people who are less stressed are healthier, happier and more productive. So giving someone a vacation is a wonderful act of kindness that will not only benefit them but yourself as well.
Well, I am not sure if my friend had given others a free vacation, but I reckon that all of us can actually give someone a break and it need not be an expensive gesture.
Giving someone a break is not about big money. It is principally about being sensitive to the needs of the people around us.
Off hand, I can think of so many people in our lives who deserve a chance to get away to recharge.
Have you ever visited a centre for children with disabilities and seen how dedicated the teachers are? Do you wonder if they even have the time to take a short vacation?
And what about those who are the principal caregivers of elderly parents or family members afflicted by some form of long-term illness like cancer, stroke or Alzheimer’s?
In your workplace, do you ever wonder if the office boy, married with children, can even afford a vacation in a nearby holiday spot?
It’s something to think about the next time you are about to board the plane for your regular overseas stints in Paris or New York.
I have a friend who, after he has had his breakfast at a coffeeshop, will tar-pau a packet of coffee or teh tarik to pass on to the first casual worker he meets. That person could be the road sweeper, the garbage collector or even the police constable.
Another friend randomly pays the toll for the person after him. He does not make a distinction between the person driving a small car or a luxury model as he believes his random act of kindness will have an impact on the person, no matter what his station in life.
I find that rather than simply suggesting to a person that he or she needs a break, we need to be proactive. Like my friend who sent us the holiday voucher, we could buy a ticket to a concert or a play and quietly mail it to that special person. We can even do that anonymously.
The blessings that we pass on, through such random acts of kindness, can truly make this person’s day – and ours.
> Deputy executive editor Soo Ewe Jin  {ewejin [at]} applauds the 94-year-old grandmother planning to stand again in Kuala Terengganu but wonders if she has enough friends to help her pay the RM30,000 deposit.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Monday, January 28, 2013

DEC 14 -17, 2012


The last time we went up to Genting Highland, we drove all the way up but this time we parked our cars and took the cable car up to Genting.  What an experience!  There is one stage where we were engulfed by the mist, everything was white, it was heavenly like.

After check in, it was early dinner at First Wold Hotel food court. My choice was "Vg Kong Poh Chicken Rice".

After dinner and shopping etc. relaxing at Starbucks and met up with Por Huat.
Next day it was down to Kuala Lumpur.  After checking in at Citin Hotel in KL, met up with Lee TZ  and Singapore TZ and family for lunch at  Yuet Sum Hin Vegetarian Restaurant (the journey from the hotel to the restaurant took more than 45 minutes whereas during non-peak time I think would be about 10 to 15 minutes).

After lunch all of us walked to The Pavilion, in the vicinity,  it was as a Chinese saying "Ren Shan Ren Hai" so many people around, well one reason could be it was Saturday.

At Earth Kid Enterprise for dinner, organic, cooked the healthy way and wholesome food.

Also at Earth Kid Enterprise.  Group photo.  Celebrating.
The Pavilion with its Christmas decorations.

Clockwise from top left - 1) at i-City; 2) also at i-City; and 3) National Monument.
At Lee TZ's place enjoying different flavours of cheese cake bought from Beyond Veggie by Secret Recipe.

This trip in KL we went to several complexes/malls for shopping/window shopping, had great food (like Korean and organic food), visited i-City (traffic jammmmmmmmm), Lee TZ house and the National Monument.
A big thank you to Lee TZ and Tatha for their hospitality.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Putu piring stall at Dato Kramat Road.  Opposite Shivan Temple.

The ingredients for making the putu piring are rice flour and water.  It comes in two shapes, saucer (therefore called 'putu piring') and oblong/cylinder (see photo below), and served with grated coconut and gula melaka (coconut palm sugar) or brown sugar.