Monday, May 26, 2008

Movies Watched in May 2008

Movies watched for the month of May, 2008

Iron Man.

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.

Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

The best movie for the month is ... I R O N M A N.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Thankful & grateful.

Angutta Nikaya:

The Buddha has said "O Bhikkhus! There are two, to whom however much of worldly suport is rendered still that falls short of the gratitude due. The two are the mother and the father."

"O Bhikkhus! If a man can live for a hundred years, and by his so living, he were to nurse his parents, keeping the mother on his right shoulder and the father on the left, throughout his life time feeding them and doing every other service with his own hands - Bhikkhus! Even then the devoted hundred years' service so rendered by the son will not completely repay the debt of his gratitude to his parents."

"O Bhikkhus! Suppose a son places his parents in the position of a World Monarch with all the imaginable gifts of the worldly pleasures. Even so, O Bhikkhus! His debt of gratitude to them cannot be repaid in full. Why so? O Bhikkhus! Parents have helped the children much more. They protected their lives, fed them and made them to see the world. Therefore, how should a son attend on, support, and look after his parents so as to completely repay his debt of gratitude to them?"


I am grateful and thankful to you.

Happy that you have found the Dao (way).